Best Buy Hp 316-72 Cyl Truck (338-316-72) Category: Cylinder Carts and Trucks
Item #: 338-316-72. Most popular and versatile large cylinder truck
Continuous handle gives truck frame more rigidity
Safer with no sharp projections and provides a push bar or hand grip for two when necessary
High floor clearance when moving over rough surfaces or cluttered areas
Angle legs remove load from the wheel when truck is stationary
Handles medium and large cylinders
Optional feature is a fire barrier
- Wheel Diameter = 16 in
- Wheel Width = 4 in
- Wheel Type = Pneumatic, B.B.
- Acetylene Cylinder (Max) = 13 in
- Oxygen Cylinder (Max) = 9-1/4 in
- Bracket Chain Height = 27 in
- Platform Length = 24 in
- Platform Width = 13 in
- Height = 45 3/4 in
- Width = 35 in
- Handle Type = Continuous
- Platform Color = Harper Green
- Type = Cylinder Truck
- Wt. = 56 lb
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