Look Robert Sorby SOV-22S-ULTM Medium Ultima Hollowing System
A part of Sorby's Sovereign System, but also a stand-alone tool in its own right, the Medium Ultima System enables woodturners to produce hollow forms up to 16" in both wet and dry woods.
It has a cutter system that slices through the wood rather than scraping and the clever design allows the shavings to clear without clogging. It is equally effective on bowl grain work as well as end-grain projects.
The cutter is able to make light or heavy cuts and the unique micro adjust feature enables the turner to set the cutter depth with ease.
The cutter is manufactured from high grade HSS and as only one third is exposed at any time it can be rotated twice through 120 degrees before it needs to be re-sharpened.
The cutter is easy to sharpen with a diamond hone and can be easily removed if required. A cutter sharpening jig is available as an optional extra.
Manufactured from phosphor bronze the jig rotates freely within its sleeve and enables the turner to sharpen either with a diamond hone, bench grinder or ProEdge. The jig will also accommodate other full round cutters.
The articulating head and link system enables the turner to produce a variety of hollow form shapes from the traditional vase to the squashed form.
Additional links can be added to achieve extreme undercutting. If the links are removed then the Ultima can be used as a probe for straight sided hollowing.
An optional Ultima finishing head can be fitted which will allow the turner to achieve a smooth surface finish. Other cutters are available that will fit to enable more advanced shape finishing. England
Medium System Includes: 22" Sovereign Handle; Articulating Head w/Cutter; a 3/8" and 1/2" shank adapters; set screw hex keys; and an instruction sheet. Made in England
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